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Emergency/Trauma Department

Emergency Department Medical Staff

Tina Welsh, RN
Emergency Department Manager
Trauma Coordinator

Sara Magill, DNP
ER/Trauma Provider

Joshua Stubblefield, DO
ER/Trauma Provider

Katrina Hotka-Truempler, ARNP
ER/Trauma Provider

Alindsey Kramer, ARNP
ER/Trauma Provider

2022-2025 Trauma Care Facility Verification Certificate

Trauma Program at Compass Memorial Healthcare

Compass Memorial Healthcare ED/Trauma services play a vital role in helping people survive and heal from severe injury. As a Level IV trauma center, we offer resources for Iowa County and surrounding communities when a trauma occurs.

What is a Trauma?

A trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.

At Compass Memorial Healthcare, we can provide you with an initial assessment and diagnostics that typically occur in the emergency department. From there, our trauma team will coordinate your care and prepare a plan of action.

If you or a loved one has a life-threatening injury that sends you to our ED/Trauma center, we are here to help. Knowing what to expect is the first step. This short guide walks you through a patient's journey during a trauma.

Trauma Awareness & Prevention

Traumatic injury is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., and it affects us all. At Compass Memorial Healthcare we would like to empower people of all ages with the know-how to help prevent and respond to trauma injuries.

Navigate the following topics for resources on safety and injury prevention.


Home and Recreation Safety Information

Injuries at home and at play are not accidents. They can be prevented. CDC focuses on the science behind making people safe - working to prevent leading causes of injuries. We want to ensure that all people have safe and healthy homes and places to play (cdc.gov).


Each year, around 3 million older adults (65 and older) are treated in the emergency room for fall injuries. At Compass Memorial Healthcare, around 48% of our trauma visits are associated with fall injuries. Below you will important facts about falls as well as fall prevention information.