Natasha Hauschilt, smiling
Natasha Hauschilt
Ms. Hauschilt, Director of Ancillary Services and Organizational Performance, began her career at Compass Memorial in 2005 as the Quality Coordinator and has held multiple roles including Privacy Officer, Medical Staff Coordinator, Admissions Manager, Risk Manager, Compliance Officer, and Director of Organizational Performance. In addition to her roles at CMH, Ms. Hauschilt has been largely involved in healthcare quality on the state level. She has presented at multiple conferences throughout the state on various quality and compliance topics, taught courses through the Iowa Hospital Association's quality management program, and has held several leadership roles within the Iowa Association of Healthcare Quality. Ms. Hauschilt also enjoys staying active in the community, and currently serves as the President of the MarenGO Community Development Organization, and serves as a board member on the Iowa County Community Foundation, Iowa County Leadership Development Committee, and the Gateway Improvement Group. Ms. Hauschilt graduated from Grand View University with her Bachelor of Arts Degree and from Maryville University with her Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration and is a current member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.