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Compass Memorial Healthcare Receives National Recognition for Performance Leadership in Patient Satisfaction
Compass Memorial Healthcare is proud to announce it has been recognized for overall excellence in Patient Satisfaction, reflecting top quartile performance among all rural acute care hospitals in the natio by iVantage Health Analytics and the National Organization of State Office of Rural Health (NOSORH).
"We are honored to be recognized as a performance leader in patient satisfaction for two consecutive years" stated Natasha Hauschilt, director of organizational performance at Compass Memorial Healthcare. This recognition is a direct reflection of the dedicated staff and caregivers at Compass Memorial Healthcare, who exhibit deep commitment to quality, safety and service for our patients each and every day".
This ranking is a result of 66 performance metrics for all Critical Access Hospitals and divided into three major categories and nine pillars to derive a single strength overall rating for each facility.
"These top quartile performers should take great pride in this recognition. It showcases their commitment to continuous performance analysis and improvement, as they continue to serve their communities despite the many market, regulatory and financial pressures they face." said Michael Topchik, National Leader of the Chartis Center for Rural Health.
The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) was established in 1995 to assist State Offices of Rural Health in their efforts to improve access to, and the quality of, health care for America's 61 million rural citizens. NOSORH enhances the capacity of SORHs to do this by supporting the development of state and community rural health leaders; creating and facilitating state, regional and national partnerships that foster information sharing and spur rural health-related programs/activities; and enhancing access to quality healthcare services in rural communities